You are fortunate to have a new subscriber to your mailing list. Now what?

For a long time in my business, I didn’t send a welcome email to new subscribers like 50% of my fellow business owners because I was...

  • Afraid of coming across super salesy and not genuine.

  • Overwhelmed with the thought of creating nurture campaigns.

  • Stuck on how to build that know, like, and trust factor with a complete stranger.

  • Lost with what to say or share with my new subscriber.

  • Tired of writing content that doesn’t convert to a discovery call or sale.

Now I've realized the immense value of sending a welcome email series. It's now a vital part of my business because the Welcome Email Series is a golden opportunity to tell my story, share my value, and convert those subscribers to clients. These are just some of the benefits of an engaging welcome email series:

  • Subscribers are more likely to be engaged in the future if you engage with them in the beginning.

  • A series of welcome emails yields an average of 51% more revenue than a single welcome email.

  • Welcome emails generate an average of 320% more sales than non-welcome emails.

Are you ready to create momentum in your business? Read on to learn what you need in your welcome emails and why.


It may seem obvious -- to welcome them, of course! More importantly, that is the moment that the subscriber is the MOST interested in your services, so capitalize on it. Don’t shrink away from engaging with them.

The welcome email series is your most important nurture campaign. If you only have one nurture campaign, this is the one to have. The goal is to start off the relationship well, make them feel good, help them really get to know who you are as a brand, build trust, and guide them to become a loyal customer.

For me, I was hesitant to engage because I didn’t want to scare off my new hard won subscriber. I thought easing them into communication with me would be better. I’ve since learned that that is the wrong way to go about it. By engaging with a new subscriber early, they can quickly decide if they want to stay on your list or not. This keeps your list strong. The people that stay on your list want to hear from you, are interested in your services, and tend to make a purchase down the road.


These elements will help you build a relationship with them from the first email to the last in your welcome email series.

Get their attention. The subject line is critical. It has to grab their attention, so they open the email. Each email in the welcome series has to have an eye-catching subject line.

Unforgettable first impression. This is your first impression, so make it memorable and positive. Tell them who you are, why you started your business, and who you serve. Start a conversation with great information and also opportunities to interact with you.

Build Trust. Start by providing the freebie and follow through with continuing to provide valuable information, use conversational language, and set expectations for how you communicate. Make sure you are thinking of what matters to your ideal customer.

Demonstrate your credibility. Help them see that you solve problems for people just like them by sharing success stories, customer testimonials, your expertise in blogs or featured media, and the results you promise.

Include WIIFM. The bottom line is people want to know “What’s in it for me?”. Don’t assume they know. Make sure you tell them. Include what problems you solve, how you solve them, and results to expect.


Let’s get this straight. One email is not enough because you would either be sending a novel-sized email or leaving way too much unsaid. Your welcome email series is guiding the person on a journey to get to know you, your business, the benefits of your services, and why they should work with you.

The rule of thumb is between three and seven emails, but it still depends on your business, services, and goals. To figure out how many emails is right for your business, start with your desired outcome of the email series then determine what you need to say to guide them to take that action.

This is a journey you want them to take. Below are a few things to consider when mapping out the content to share in each email.

Things to consider:

  • Define your end goal
  • Sign up for a Discovery Call
  • Register for an Online Course
  • Join a Challenge
  • What should they know about you and your business?

  • What problem do you solve?

  • What does it look like after you help them solve that problem?

You want each email to tell a story and guide them to the next step in the journey.


Your goal is to KEEP your new subscriber engaged. We already know this is when they are most interested in what you have to say, so make sure to take advantage of that and talk to them while they’re listening.

Schedule your first few emails close together. For example, send the first few emails every 24 hours, and then space the next few emails every few days. If you are sending a series of seven emails, your series should complete within 14 to 18 days.

There are no hard and fast rules of exactly how to space them out, but better to err on the side of having them closer together.


Think of a micro-win as the head nod you would see when you are meeting with someone in person or over zoom. It is a small commitment with low resistance. The micro-win sequence is a series of small commitments that builds gradually moving from smaller to larger commitments. Avoid asking for too much, too early. That will turn off your new subscriber.

How do you do this in your welcome email series? Think of a micro-yes as a call-to-action (CTA) in your email. When the person takes action on the call-to-action, they have just given you a micro-yes. Below are examples of calls-to-action that lead to Micro-yeses and Micro-wins!

  • Display a big button or link to your freebie, and they click the download link to get to your freebie.
  • Request a social media follow or to join your Facebook group, and they do.
  • Ask a question in your email, and you receive a response.
  • Share a video for them to watch about you, your business, or a testimonial, and they watch it.
  • Ask them to self-assess with a quiz, and they submit their answers to the short quiz. You’ve also just received more information about them, which is a larger commitment from them.
  • Invite them to a free workshop, and they register. It is even better when they show up!
  • Invite them to schedule a discovery call with you, and they do.

Hopefully, you can see how these micro-wins are building trust between you and the new subscriber. Each micro-yes feels small to them because they have developed enough of a relationship with your business to take that small step.


You may be wondering how you really know they are taking these actions. This is where a customer relationship management (CRM) and email marketing solution shows its true value.

A good solution not only allows you to push out your emails on a schedule, it will allow you to track these micro-wins and monitor their progress through your welcome series. You will be able to measure how successful your welcome series is by who is responding to your calls-to-action (CTA’s). You will be able to tweak those email CTA’s that are not getting the conversion you expect.

The right CRM solution will help you be more effective in your communications because you will no longer be throwing spaghetti on the wall to see what sticks. The Work Smarter CRM can do this for you.


We’ve laid out a welcome email series that will get results with new subscribers. This welcome series will take your new subscriber on a journey to clarify the pain points they are experiencing, awareness of solutions, and awareness of your solution and your differentiation. There is a workbook to help you think through the information to share in each email and make sure you know what your call-to-action is for each.

This welcome series will increase engagement, build a relationship with your new subscribers, and generate more interest in your services.

Would you like Work Smarter Digital’s Guide to Create a Welcome Email Series That Converts?

Mary Sue Dahill, Founder & CEO of Work Smarter Digital

We empower passion-preneurs to efficiently build and scale their business so they can make a bigger impact on the world. Work Smarter Digital is an all-in-one CRM solution that reduces complexity, streamlines systems, and increases entrepreneurs' impact. Schedule a Work Smarter Consult to explore what’s possible.